Stick To Staus Quo

Capitulo quatro

You can bet
There's nothin' but net
When I am in a zone and on a roll
But I've got a confession
My own secret obsession
And it's making me lose control

Everybody gather 'round

Well if Troy can tell his secret than I can tell
mine...I bake


I love to bake! Strudels, scones, even apple pandowdy

-Você acabou de ouvir: o idiota do basquete.

-Gabriella, queremos que você entre pro nosso grupo acadêmico.

Not another sound

Someday I hope to make the perfect creme brulee

No, no, no, nooooooooooo
No, no, no
Stick to the stuff you know
If you wanna be cool
Follow one simple rule
Don't mess with the flow, no no
Stick to the status quo

-Graças a você as pessoas estão ficando diferentes! Coisas que não costumam fazer! – disse Chad.

Troy suspira.

-Olha o Zec, ele faz doces, Creme Brule! – disse Chad.

-Legal e o que que é isso?

-É uma maça caramelizada, é ma delicia!

-Cala essa boca Zec!

Martha Cox:
Look at me
And what do you see
Intelligence beyond compare
But inside I am stirring
Something strange is occuring
It's a secret I need to share

Open up, dig way down deep

Martha Cox(spoken):
Hip hop is my passion! I love to pop and lock and jam
and break!

Is that even legal?

Not another peep

It's just dancing. Sometimes I think it's cooler than

No, no, no, noooooooooo
No, no, no
Stick to the stuff you know
It is better by far
To keep things as they are
Don't mess with the flow, no no
Stick to the status quo

-Você acha que essas lendas, se meteram em musicais nos jogos em véspera de jogos decisivos? – perguntou Chad.

-Se liga no jogo! – disseram todos.

-Não! – disse Chad – E quem o único aqui com chances reais de conseguir bolsa na faculdade?


-Quem vai perder o jogo se o Troy tiver com a cabeça no musical?


Listen well
I'm ready to tell
About a need that I cannot deny
Dude, there's no explanation
For this awesome sensation
But I'm ready to let it fly

Dudes & Dudettes:
Speak your mind and you'll be heard

Alright, if Troy wants to be a singer... then i'm
coming clean! I play the cello!

Dude 1(spoken):

Dude 2(spoken):
What is it?

Dude 1(spoken):
A saw!

No, dude, it's like a giant violin!

Dudes & Dudettes:
Not another word

Dude 2(spoken):
Do you have to wear a costume?

-Olha todo mundo se dividindo por essa sua história de cantar!
Os Geniosinhos e pessoal do Skate acha que pode... – ele para – Falar com a gente!

-E Aê? – disseram os Skatistas.

Coat and tie

Dudes & Dudettes:
No, no, no, nooooooooooo
No, no, no
Stick to the stuff you know
If you wanna be cool
Follow one simple rule
Don't mess with the flow, no no
Stick to the status quoooooooo

Jocks, Brainiacs, & Dudes:
No, no, no
stick to the stuff you know
It is better by far
To keep things as they are
Don't mess with the flow, no no
Stick to the status quo

This is not what I want
This is not what I planned
And I just gotta say
I do not understand
Someting is really

Something's not right

Really wrong

Sharpay & Ryan:
And we gotta get things
Back where they belong
We can do it

-Essa Gabriella! Como ela fez isso?! – pergunta Sharpay.

-É e ela nem pediu nossa permissão pra entrar no clube do teatro! – disse Ryan.

-Ela tem que aprender as regras! – disse Sharpay com raiva a ponto de esmagar seus lanche.

-É – ele ficou pensativo – E quais são.

-Ahh! – disse Sharpay.

Gotta play

Dudes & Dudettes:
Stick with what you know

Sharpay & Ryan:
We can do it

Martha Cox:
Hip hop hooray

She has got to go

Sharpay & Ryan:
We can do it

Creme Brule

Keep your voice down low

Jocks, Brainiacs & Dudes/Dudettes:
Not another peep
No, not another word
No, not another sound

Everybody quiet

-A kelsy ta me esperando pro ensaio.

-Gabriella! O Troy Bolton é de outro lado evolução! O nosso lado é o das realizações do universo, e esse lado que você pertence!

Why is everybody staring at you?

Not me, you.

Because of the callbacks? I can't have people staring
at me! I really can't!

-Nós tivemos uma reunião. – disse Chad

-É que legal – disse Troy.

-E chegamos a conclusão que não estamos agindo como um time, nós não você.

-Se você quer cantar a gente devia estar te apoiando e não te criticando!

-Ganhando ou perdendo nós somos um time!

Jocks, Brainiacs...:
Noooooooooooooo, no, no, no
Stick to the stuff you know
If you want to be cool
Follow one simple rule
Don't mess with the flow, oh no
Stick to the status quooooooooooooo

No, no, no
Stick to the stuff you know
It is better by far
To keep things as they are
Don't mess with the flow, no no
Stick to the status
stick to the status
Stick to the status quo



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