I will not make the same mistakes that you did*br /*
I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery*br /*
I will not break the way you did*br /*
You fell so hard*br /*
I've learned the hard way, to never let it get that far*br /*
*br /*
Because of you*br /*
I never stay too far from the sidewalk*br /*
Because of you*br /*
I learned to play on the safe side*br /*
So I don't get hurt*br /*
Because of you*br /*
I find it hard to trust*br /*
Not only me, but everyone around me*br /*
Because of you*br /*
I am afraid*br /*
*br /*
I lose my way*br /*
And it's not too long before you point it out*br /*
I cannot cry*br /*
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes*br /*
I'm forced to fake a smile, a laugh*br /*
Every day of my life*br /*
My heart can't possibly break*br /*
When it wasn't even whole to start with*br /*
*br /*
Because of you*br /*
I never stay too far from the sidewalk*br /*
Because of you*br /*
I learned to play on the safe side*br /*
So I don't get hurt*br /*
Because of you*br /*
I find it hard to trust*br /*
Not only me, but everyone around me*br /*
Because of you*br /*
I am afraid*br /*
*br /*
I watched you die*br /*
I heard you cry*br /*
Every night in your sleep*br /*
I was so young*br /*
You should have known better than to lean on me*br /*
You never thought of anyone else*br /*
You just saw your pain*br /*
And now I cry*br /*
In the middle of the night*br /*
For the same damn thing*br /*
*br /*
*br /*
Because of you*br /*
I never stay too far from the sidewalk*br /*
Because of you*br /*
I learned to play on the safe side*br /*
So I don't get hurt*br /*
Because of you*br /*
I tried my hardest just to forget everything*br /*
Because of you*br /*
I don't know how to let anyone else in*br /*
Because of you*br /*
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty*br /*
Because of you*br /*
I am afraid*br /*
*br /*
Because of you*br /*
*br /*
*br /*



Comentários (4)

  • Ok..obrigada mesmo assim eu só queria que vc tivesse colocado ao menos o nome da sua fic..pra mim poder ler....mas blz

  • fala sério... você praticamente traduziu a letra da música e colocou nas frases da hemrione... e a criatividade? da uma melhorada aí...

  • Que dó!!!! Tadinha da Mione e da filhinha... mas ficou muito bom com a música! beijos ^_~

  • Que bom estrear comentários, continue songfics vou te inscrever no Ídolos Potterianos, quem sabe você é a nova Ídala do Brasil... agora falando sério, vc escreve mto bem, eu queria propor da gente criar uma fic juntos, quem sabe daria certo...

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